Webinar/Seminar: Dr. Patricia Burch—Equal Scrutiny: Privatization and Accountability in Digital Education

The next session in the Marketization and Privatization in Education seminar series, with Dr. Patricia Burch, is entitled:

Equal Scrutiny: Privatization and Accountability in Digital Education.

Thursday, December 11, 2014 from 12:30-1:30pm.

Abstract: In the current rush to adopt and expand digital learning, many important considerations are being overlooked that will have major consequences for the future of American public education. As private education technology contractors and vendors move deeper into the work of public education, questions concerning the quality of the services, who is served, and who benefits need to be answered. Based on participatory research and other studies of three types of digital education—digital courses, blended learning, and online tutoring, Burch offers readers an inside view of what is really going on in the world of digital education and the uneven experiences of students, their parents, and teachers.

For information on Dr. Burch go to: rossier.usc.edu/faculty-and-research/directories/a-z/profile/?id=15

Where: If you are attending in person, please come to Scarfe 308A.If you are joining the webinar, please go to http://bluejeans.com/ and click “Join meeting” as a participant and enter Meeting ID: 305154344   Please join us by 12:20pm so that we can ensure everyone’s audio and video work properly. Also, please ensure the following actions are taken with your computer: (1) mute your microphone, (2) turn off your video feed, and (3) do not share screen. If you would like to ask questions or need technical assistance, please use the ‘CHAT’ typing function to contact us in the room.

For other assistance or questions, please email Ee-Seul Yoon —  eeseul@gmail.com.

** Please RSVP by completing the following form: RSVP Form