Faculty-Wide Programs Speaker Series: Dr. Asselin

We hope you will join us for the launch of our 2014-2015 Faculty-Wide Programs (CFI, ECE, MET) Speaker Series in line with the Faculty of Education’s Year of Research. We are pleased to have Dr. Marlene Asselin present her talk Critical Reflections on the Challenges and Dilemmas of International Research in Education, Wednesday November 19th from 1:30-3:00 pm at Scarfe 310. Seating will be limited. Please RSVP at ccfigaa@gmail.com for catering purposes, as there will be snacks and light refreshments provided.

Event Details

Drawing inspiration from UBC Faculty of Education’s “Year of Research”, this year’s Speaker Series explores the possibilities and problematics produced through the process of doing research. As methodology is always within the interconnected space between theory, practice, and ethics, we ask what is permitted, what is prohibited, and what is produced by particular methodological configurations. Furthermore, we ask how and where educational research aligns with and supports an ever evolving and entangled landscape of social, cultural, natural, and political goals within education. Lastly, and most importantly, how is this knowledge mobilized back into various educational practices, be they pedagogical, curricular, or policy. In this speaker series, we bring together three esteemed scholars to share how, why, when, and where they do their research. We hope that you will join us for the scheduled presentations, activities, and workshops in order to engage in these upcoming discussions with colleagues, faculty, and friends. 4

Critical Reflections on the Challenges and Dilemmas of International Research in Education

This session will explore some of the challenges and dilemmas facing researchers from Canada who initiate research in emerging countries like Ethiopia. Issues raised will include: differing world views of what counts as research; differing socio-cultural and political influences on conducting research; and major ethical differences in involving children in research. The challenges of collaboration and communication are highlighted, as well as reflections on aspects of the research process that are essential to building respectful and responsible research partnerships.

We would also like to bring to your attention that the talk is being webcast live and documented for students and faculty who are unable to attend in person.
The webcast will be available LIVE, 1:30-3:00 pm Wednesday, November 19, 2014 in the viewer below.

Sponsored by the CFI, ECED, & MET programs