Research Assistant Opportunity

Dr. Annette Henry, Professor, Department of Language and Literacy Education, is looking for a research assistant  to work 10 hours per week this academic year and possibly longer, to examine VSB policy and Ministry policies  as part of a project with an international team in five cities (Chicago, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Dallas).

The following skills will be needed for this project:
• knowledge/experience with policy analysis and discourse analysis
• familiarity with quantitative and qualitative research
• strong research and writing skills
• ability to collect and analyze data and report findings.

Here is a brief description of the project:

Explore, identify and compare strategies that widen access and participation by vulnerable and underrepresented student groups in five gateway cities—two in Canada (Toronto, Vancouver), two in the United States (Dallas/Fort Worth, Chicago) and one in England ( London). Vulnerable and underrepresented student groups will include those with special needs, underrepresented racial, ethnic, immigrant and lower socioeconomic status groups. The gateway cities selected provide meaningful national and international comparisons of equity issues related to select vulnerable and underrepresented student groups. They also afford us with the opportunity to examine these students’ access to and participation in Post Secondary Education as well as comparisons of equity issues related to select vulnerable and underrepresented student groups.

If you are interested and feel that you have the relevant experience and skills, please submit a c.v./resume with contact information and the names of two references to Dr. Annette Henry  by Friday August 15 at the following email: