CIHR Institute of Gender and Health – Training Opportunity

The workforce is changing, with greater numbers of older adults remaining employed longer and younger adults (mostly women) facing the challenge of caregiving their aging parents. The labour market, work conditions and employer-employee relations are also changing. Research is needed to better understand and meet these challenges.
The CIHR Institutes of Aging (IA), Gender and Health (IGH) and Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) are partnering with the Institute for Work and Health to host an innovative training event, “More Years, Better Lives: The Health, Wellness and Participation of Older Adults in the World of Work.”
This unique, interactive training program will run from June 1-5, 2015 and will be held in Toronto. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows interested in, or interested in learning about, research related to health, wellness and participation of middle- and older-aged adults in employment are encouraged to apply. Trainees will have the opportunity to participate in advanced training that crosses disciplines and brings together trainees, researchers, and members of the public and private sector.
For more information contact CIHR Institute of Gender and Health by dialling 1-888-603-4178 during CIHR business hours (8am to 5pm ET) and select option 5; or email