Please join us in warmly congratulating the Faculty of Education PhD Students who have been selected to participate in the 2015 Public Scholars Initiative (PSI):
Omer Aijazi, EDST
Project: Precarious Lives, Disrupted Bodies: Examining Social Repair Disaster in Northern Pakistan
Manjeet Birk, CCFI
Project: Experiences of Racialized and Indigenous Girls and Women within Systems
Espen Stranger-Johannessen, LLED
Digital Storytelling, Early Reading, and the African Storybook Project (ASP)
The PSI is a new and unique initiative wherein PhD students engaged in scholarly work with clear links to public benefit are to receive both additional funding and academic support and endorsement. From 98 applicants, only 39 PhD students were selected from across the full range of disciplines to take part in the initiative as the first cohort. For more details about the 2015 PSI, please see
Again, our congratulations to Omer, Manjeet and Espen!