Assistant Professor – University of Regina

The Faculty of Education, University of Regina is inviting applications for a Full-time, Tenure-Track Position appointment beginning ideally May 1, 2016.

Mathematics Education

Duties: The individual will be responsible for teaching undergraduate and graduate classes in Mathematics Education and Core Studies as part of the Elementary program, supervising undergraduate students in field experiences, supervising graduate students, assuming active involvement in collegial governance and Faculty endeavors and engaging in individual and collaborative scholarly research.
Qualifications: Ideally will possess a Ph.D. in mathematics education. The individual should demonstrate successful teaching experience in K – 12 schools and university environments and have an active research agenda. Bilingualism (English/French) would be an asset.

Science/Environmental Education

Duties: The individual will be responsible for teaching undergraduate and graduate classes in Mathematics Education and Core Studies as part of the Elementary program, supervising undergraduate students in field experiences, supervising graduate students, assuming active involvement in collegial governance and Faculty endeavors and engaging in individual and collaborative scholarly research.
Qualifications: Ideally will possess a Ph.D. degree with a focus in science and environmental education. The individual should demonstrate successful teaching experience in K – 12 schools and university environments and have an active research agenda. Bilingualism would be an asset.

Salary Range: Depending on qualifications and experience, but normally within the Assistant Professor range ($81,587 – $104,371)
Starting Date: Between May 1 and July 1, 2016

For more information on either position, as well as how to apply, visit: