2015 Education Endowed Awards

The UBC endowed scholarships has been compiled by the Office of Graduate Programs & Research (OGPR) in the Faculty of Education. These merit-based awards are awarded to our graduate students who are making the most outstanding contributions in their fields of study. Most Faculty of Education graduate students are eligible to apply on an annual basis (see criteria below). The adjudication for the awards is typically held in the early fall and awards are to be taken up in December of each year. Graduate students should discuss whether they meet the criteria and should apply for one or more of these awards with their Supervisor or Graduate Advisor.

Deadline: 4:00pm, November 13, 2015 to OGPR

Details of what to include in application packages are described below.

Please note: Although reference letters are no longer required, it is still the responsibility of the Supervisor/Referee to acknowledge by checking the box and signing the cover sheet that they have seen and support the application.

*** Past awardees were successful due to: 1) a strong student statement(s) relevant to the award; 2) CV; 3) high GPA.

Eligibility for Scholarships

  1. To be eligible for these scholarships, applicants must be enrolled in the Faculty of Education at UBCV.
  2. Students must be full-time graduate students. Magistral students on the part-time fee payment schedule (Schedule B) are not eligible to apply. Magistral students must be on the full-time fee payment schedule (Schedule A). All Doctoral students are on a full-time fee payment schedule.
  3. Students must have been officially registered as a UBCV Faculty of Education graduate student in the 2014 Winter Terms 1 and 2. Students who are On Leave or On Financial Hold are not eligible to apply.
  4. Scholarships are applied to tuition first. To be eligible to apply for the graduate scholarships listed below, graduate students must also:
    • Not be expecting to graduate in November 2015.
    • Be registered in the 2015 Winter terms 1 & 2.

Students: Required Materials for Application Packages

Students must prepare an application package to apply for awards as described below. Please see Funding Opportunities page for a full listing of all the Faculty of Education Endowed Awards available. Application packages assembled by students should include (see below for detailed instructions):

The application package will include:

  1. The Cover Sheet;
  2. A 250 word (maximum) student statement written by the student explaining why they should be considered for the award, given the applicable award criteria;
  3. The downloadable graduate student CV available on this web page.

ONLY ONE APPLICATION PACKAGE IS NEEDED to apply simultaneously for the Dean of Education Scholarship, the Jimmar Memorial Scholarship, the Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship, the Donald and Ellen Poulter Scholarship, and the John Francis Lidstone Scholarship (if available). Doctoral applicants will automatically be considered for all five awards (since all are open to Doctoral students). Magistral applicants will be considered for the four awards for which Magistral students are eligible (the Dean of Education, the Donald & Ellen Poulter, the Jimmar and the John Francis Lidstone (if available) Scholarships).

A SEPARATE APPLICATION PACKAGE IS NECESSARY for each of the following awards: (1) the Katz Memorial Scholarship, (2) the LOMCIRA Harold Covell Memorial Scholarship, and (3) the Janusz Korcak Association of Canada Graduate Scholarship in Children’s Rights and Canadian Indigenous Education Scholarship.

IMPORTANT: Students can be awarded more than one of these awards, but cannot receive the same award more than once during a given degree program. For example: If a doctoral student was awarded a Dean of Education Scholarship after applying in 2012-2013, he/she can reapply in 2013-2014, but will only be considered for the Jimmar, Poulter, Simpson and Lidstone (if available) Scholarships.

Graduate students must download and complete the appropriate Award Cover Sheet for each application package. Downloadable forms are below.

The Award Cover Sheets ask for program and contact information, provide terms of reference for awards and also provide a checklist to assist graduate students with ensuring all their supporting documentation is included in application packages they submit to their academic units.

Note that there is one Award Cover Sheet to be used to apply simultaneously for the Dean of Education Scholarship, the Jimmar Memorial Scholarship, the Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship, the Donald & Ellen Poulter Scholarship and the John Francis Lidstone Scholarship. All other awards have unique Award Cover Sheets.

Cover Sheets
  • Dean of Education, Jimmar Memorial, Mary Elizabeth Simpson, Donald and Ellen Poulter, and the John Francis Lidstone Scholarship Cover Sheet: Word Doc or PDF Form
  • Katz Memorial Scholarship Cover Sheet: Word Doc or PDF Form
  • LOMCIRA Harold Covell Memorial Scholarship Cover Sheet: Word Doc or PDF Form
  • Janusz Korcak Association of Canada Graduate Scholarship Cover Sheet: Word Doc or PDF Form

For each application package, graduate students must submit a 250-word statement in which they clearly explain how they meet the criteria for the award(s) to which they are applying. See the Funding Opportunities page for a full description of all the Faculty of Education Endowed Awards available.

One 250-word (maximum) statement per award* is needed if students are applying for the Dean of Education Scholarship, the Jimmar Memorial Scholarship, the Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship, the Donald & Ellen Poulter Scholarship, and the John Francis Lidstone Scholarship. *(For example, if you are applying for the Dean of Education, the Jimmar, Simpson and Poulter Awards, you would submit one student statement for each award for a total of four 250 word student statements). Also, separate statements are necessary for each of the other awards - the Katz Memorial Scholarship, the LOMCIRA Harold Covell Memorial Scholarship and the Janusz Korcak Association of Canada Graduate Scholarship in Children’s Rights and Canadian Indigenous Education Scholarship.

Student statements must be 250 words maximum, double-spaced, and in Arial 12 font.

Graduate students must download (from this web page) and include a separate graduate student CV template for each application package they are submitting. Again, because only one application package is needed to simultaneously apply for Dean of Education Scholarship, the Jimmar Memorial Scholarship, the Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship, the Donald & Ellen Poulter Scholarship and the John Francis Lidstone Scholarship, only one CV is needed for that single application package. Separate CVs are needed for the separate application packages required for the other types of awards (the Katz Memorial Scholarship, the LOMCIRA Harold Covell Memorial Scholarship and the Janusz Korcak Association of Canada Graduate Scholarship in Children’s Rights and Canadian Indigenous Education Scholarship).

The graduate student CV is available here: graduate student CV (students must use this template).