37th Annual Vancouver Pride Parade

The 37th annual Vancouver Pride Parade will occur on Sunday, August 2nd 12:00pm-3:00pm. More details can be found here: http://vancouverpride.ca/events/pride-parade/.

In support of our values, (Work with the community beyond the Faculty to define new directions for education in relation to equity, social justice, and other issues), the Faculty of Education will join this year’s annual Pride Parade. We will march along with our colleagues from the VSB. We will use the Faculty van, and for those of you who tire from the walking, particularly if it is a hot day, you can take a break and ride in the van. Faculty are encouraged to wear their “academic” hats.

All staff, Faculty, and students are invited to participate in one of the most diverse parades in the world.

In order to plan adequately (we will have t-shirts, water, and snacks!), we ask you to RSVP by Friday, July 17th: http://dnso.educ.ubc.ca/faculty-of-education-vancouver-pride-parade/.