Bringing Truth and Reconciliation to the Classroom

In the spirit of the calls to action by Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), please join us for this interactive event whereby we will hear from educators and scholars concerned with reconciliation in classroom spaces followed by conversations that engage those attending to plan for constructive action in teaching and learning.

In June 2015, the TRC released it historic final report, which reveals the findings and calls to action for today aimed at redressing a shared colonial history that has had profound impacts on Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. The Commissioners also highlighted the role of education in reconciliation. “Starting now, we all have an opportunity to show leadership, courage and conviction in helping heal the wounds of the past as we make a path towards a more just, more fair and more loving country,” said Justice Murray Sinclair in his closing address.

Date & Time: July 14, 2015, 4:30 – 7:00pm
Venue: UBC Longhouse

For the event program, list of speakers, and to RSVP please visit: