Focus group on Open Access publishing

“Pay it Forward” is a research study of the economic implications of an open access model for funding open access to scholarly journals. The research will help us understand attitudes and opinions of university faculty and graduate students regarding open access economic models. This knowledge will be used by investigators to inform financial and feasibility models and will help identify possible benefits and barriers of open access models.

Researchers from the University of Tennessee are meeting with graduate students and faculty members from 4 universities: UBC, the University of California, Harvard, and Ohio State University. The research is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and UBC’s participation has been approved by the UBC research ethics board.

The focus group will take place Tuesday, March 24 10-12 at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre on the Vancouver Point Grey campus and will last between 1.5 and 2 hours. As a thank you for your participation light refreshments will be served.

For detailed information about the study see
If you would like to participate please indicate your availability at the link below as soon as possible: