GSFE GAA Coordinator

The Office of Graduate Programs and Research (OGPR) of the Faculty of Education is hiring for the following GAA Position:

Job Title: Coordinator of the Graduate Student Council of the Faculty of the Education (GSFE Council).
Time: 10 hours per week (equivalent to a 1.5 GAA) limited term (May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016) with possibility of extension. Weekly schedule to be negotiated.
Salary: $960.50/month Magistral, or $998.13/month Doctoral.

For information on roles and responsibilities and qualifications please click here.

Application procedure/deadline:

  • For more information you may contact, Angela Contreras, current GSFE Coordinator and/or visit the GSFE website, or contact Christine Wallsworth, Manager of the OGPR Tel: 604-822-5217 or
  • A cover letter, a 2-page CV, and list of 3 work and academic references/contacts should be submitted to Christine Wallsworth in the OGPR, Scarfe Building, Room 309, by 4:00pm March 22, 2015.
  • All applications are appreciated, however only those candidates selected for interview will be contacted.