Governor General’s Gold Medal

A gold medal is awarded to the graduate student who has achieved the most outstanding academic record in the graduating class for the Doctoral degree. A second gold medal is awarded to the graduate student who has achieved most outstanding academic record in the graduating class for the master’s degree with thesis. This is an opportunity to honour the best in the graduating class within the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, as there is only one award for approximately 1,000 Master’s graduates and one award for more than 300 Doctoral graduates. Medals are presented on behalf of the Governor General of Canada, along with a personalized certificate signed by the Governor General. There is no monetary award associated with the medals.

Departmental deadline:  check with your grad program

Faculty Deadline: to OGPR by 4:00pm, Tuesday, February 10, 2015

G+PS deadline: March 6, 2015

Please consult the Graduate Awards website for further information and nomination procedures:

The contact at the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for this competition is Joanne Tsui: