Congratulations Graduate Student Endowed Awards Recipients!

We are pleased to announce the following graduate student award winners in the 2014 Faculty of Education Graduate Student Endowed Awards Competition:

Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship
Heather E. McGregor
Benjamin Sylvester

Lomcira Harold Covell Memorial Scholarship
Nasrin Kowkabi

Jimmar Memorial Scholarship in Education
Carolyn McEwen

Donald and Ellen Poulter Scholarship
Paolo Dominelli
James Floman

Janusz Korczak Association of Canada Graduate Scholarship in Children’s Rights and Canadian Indigenous Education
Matthew Lee

Joseph Katz Memorial Scholarship
Sara Davidson
Evan Taylor
Roselyn Verwoord
Matthew Waugh
Nikki Yee

Dean of Education Scholarship
Deirdre Curle
Ron Darvin
Christopher Forgaard
Natalie LeBlanc
Desmond McEwan
Cynthia Min
Ashley Pullman
Latika Raisinghani
Jessie Wall
Michaela Wooldridge