Supporting Transgender and Gender-Creative Youth, Public Lecture & Lunch

Wednesday Nov. 14, 12-1pm 

Jack Bell Building, 2080 West Mall, Room 028 (Directions to Room 028, Jack Bell Building:

Lunch Provided on RSVP (

Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth J. Meyer, Assistant Professor, School of Education, California Polytechnic State University

Supporting Transgender and Gender-Creative Youth: Schools, Families, and Communities in Action

This talk presents the methods and findings of an action research project that brought together a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners, researchers, and service users. Drawing upon a Social Action Research methodology to engage parents & caregivers, teachers, and activists, this research team worked to identify ways of transforming social dynamics and settings that have negative impacts on many children.  Indeed, rather than seeing the gender creative child as “the problem,” this model offers a way to address the social and structural forms of oppression bearing down upon all of us, but most especially children who do not fit neatly into a world defined by traditional gender boundaries.