Harry Hubball
Scholarship of teaching and educational leadership in higher education.
Dr. Hubball’s research and practice focus on the scholarship of curriculum and pedagogical leadership in multi-national and multidisciplinary research-intensive university contexts. As a global SoTL leader, he has published articles in international, national and professional journals, and has been invited to present research seminars and workshops at international universities in over 30 different countries including China, India, Middle East, Japan, SE Asia, Australasia, Europe and the UK.
Cay Holbrook
Blindness; Visual impairment; Braille; Learning Media Assessment; Special education.
Dr. Holbrook’s research agenda focuses on acquisition of literacy skills for students who are visually impaired. She developed the first and most commonly used assessments to determine whether a student with a visual impairment should access reading and writing through braille, print, or a combination of braille and print. Her examination of the use of Unified English Braille by adult experts in mathematics, science and computer science supported the adoption of this new code in North America.
Jan Hare
Indigenous education; Indigenous literacies; Aboriginal family literacy; Indigenous early childhood; Aboriginal ways of knowing; Indigenous methodology.
Dr. Hare is an Indigenous scholar and educator from the M’Chigeeng First Nation in Northern Ontario, Canada. She the current holder of the Professorship of Indigenous Education in Teacher Education, integrating Indigenous perspectives across programs in teacher education. Her research and teaching are committed to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal learners and aimed at centering Indigenous knowledge systems within educational reform from early childhood education to post-secondary.
Hsiao-Cheng (Sandrine) Han
Visual culture; Cultural studies; Educational technologies; International perspectives; Media; Semiotics; Multiculturalism; Subcultures.
Dr. Han’s research focuses on the visual culture and cultural studies, and on the integration of art education and educational technology specifically in virtual worlds. She also looks at the ways in which media have influenced cultures. Her scholarship has contributed to and has had a major impact in everyday life.
Peter Grimmett
Teacher education; Curriculum and pedagogy; Education policy; Reflective practice; Practitioner inquiry; Educational leadership.
His scholarly interests in curriculum and pedagogy focus on how education practitioners think about their work and construct their professional knowledge and expertise. Dr. Grimmett’s earlier work studied how teachers use processes like reflection and action research to enhance their understanding of practice. This focus was embellished to examine how teachers’ professional commitment and identity is influenced by the socio-political-cultural contexts in which they do their work.
Community Service Learning/Community-Engaged Research: Who’s Engaging? Who’s Learning? Who’s Teaching? Who Cares?
Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education & Training (CHET) http://www.chet.educ.ubc.ca Presenters: Shauna Butterwick and Hartej Gill Associate Professors, Department of Educational Studies DATE: November 26, 2014 TIME: 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. VENUE: University of British Columbia Ponderosa G Lounge 2044 Lower Mall CONTACT: joanne.oconnor@ubc.ca Feel free to bring your lunch.
Alanaise Goodwill
Indigenous approaches to counselling, mental health and research; First Nations and Metis culture and identity; Gang entry and exit; Intergenerational trauma and the Canadian Indian Residential School system.
Dr. Goodwill’s research focuses on Indigenous approaches to mental health and counselling (children, youth, adults) and Indigenous ways of knowing and constructing knowledge. A citizen of the Sandy Bay Anishinaabe First Nation in Manitoba, her work has contributed to the development of collaborative, interdisciplinary interventions for youth and families affected by gangs and the sequelae of the Canadian Indian Residential School system.
Hillel Goelman
Early intervention; Early childhood; Interdisciplinary theory and practice.
Dr. Goelman’s research interests include interdisciplinary theory and practice, early intervention and the developmental trajectories of typical and atypical children.
Victor Glickman
BC Ministry of Education data; Software as a Service (SaaS); Reporting tools; Ministry of Education research agreements; Open badges; Micro credentials.
Dr. Glickman is Director of Edudata. Edudata works with BC educators and researchers in education and other fields to assist, design & build: education research data; item-level reports for provincial assessments examinations; interpreting and understanding student responses; web based reporting tool. Edudata also works on Saskatchewan and British Columbia confidential online student incidents; Research and Scholarship data for the BC Association of Institutes and Universities; and Adult Literacy data for DECODA Literacy Solutions.
Mona Gleason
History of education; History of children; Critical youth studies; Gender and education.
Dr. Gleason is an historian of education and of children and childhood. Through her many publications, she has demonstrated that helping professionals’ efforts to safeguard the interests of youngsters and families, however well meaning, often failed when deeper social inequalities were denied or simply continued unabated. This failure to address systemic inequalities in children’s lives continues to the present day.