Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Value: The total amount available for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Project Grant Competitions is $650M.
- Within the investment allocated to each Project Grant competition, there will be a funding envelope of:
- $16.25M dedicated to large grants. Large grants are defined as those within the top 2% largest total grant amount requested by all applicants within the competition and varies with each competition. This budget envelope is not intended for series of projects to be bundled together for long-term support. Individual grant applications requesting a total of more than the amount dedicated for the large grant funding envelope will be withdrawn.
- $14.95M (4.6%) dedicated to supporting applications with an Indigenous health research focus.
- A portion of the competition budget will also be reserved to ensure that the proportion of grants funded is at least equal to the proportion of applications submitted by early career researchers (ECRs), female applicants, and for applicants submitting applications written in French. Should the full amount set aside not be required, all remaining funds will be returned to the Project grant competition to further increase the number of grants funded.
- The number of grants funded will depend on the requested budgets and peer review recommendations.
- Project Grant applicant funding levels are proportionate to the requirements of the research proposed, which is expected to vary by research field, research approach, and scope of proposal activities.
- Funding is augmented by Priority Announcements (PAs) that award grants in specific research areas. Refer to the Project Grant: Spring 2024 Priority Announcements (Specific Research Areas).
- For more information on the appropriate use of funds, refer to Allowable Costs.
The Project Grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential for important advances in fundamental or applied health-related knowledge, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes by supporting projects of research proposed and conducted by individual researchers or groups of researchers in all areas of health. The best ideas may stem from new, incremental, innovative, and/or high-risk lines of inquiry or knowledge translation approaches.
- Applications must be submitted using ResearchNet.
- This funding opportunity follows the eApproval process. This means that when the applicant submits an application, it will be directed electronically to the institution which the applicant has identified as the Institution Paid. The Institution Paid will review the application and submit their approval electronically to CIHR on behalf of the applicant. It is important to be aware of your internal institutional deadline.
- The application process for this funding opportunity is comprised of two steps: Registration and Application. A Registration must be submitted to be eligible to submit a full application.
- All participants listed, with the exception of collaborators, are required to:
- Have/obtain a CIHR PIN.
- Complete the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Self-identification Questionnaire.
- Although not required, it is important to provide a PIN number for Collaborators.
- Organizations applying as Nominated Principal Applicants must contact CIHR’s Contact Centre for guidance in creating a ResearchNet account and registering for a CIHR PIN.
For full instructions, please see Project Grant – Registration Instructions
Email RPIF & required docs to ORS: 8:30 AM, Feb. 29, 2024
For UBC-specific instructions, see: See: https://ors.ubc.ca/funding-opportunities/funding-calendar/cihr-project-grant
UBC e-submission: 12:00 PM, Mar. 5, 2024
CIHR Final Application Deadline: Mar. 6, 2024
Contact: If you have any questions, contact Robert Olaj in ORE.