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Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardees!

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardees!

Co-Applicants Dr. Penney Clark (EDCP), Dr. Lindsay Gibson (EDCP), and Dr. Michael Marker (EDST) and their team (Applicant Dr. Carla Peck, University of Alberta) have been awarded a 7 year, $2,500,000 SSHRC Partnership Grant for their research project Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future.

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardee!

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardee!

Co-Applicant Dr. Eli Puterman (KIN) and his team (Applicant Dr. Victoria Bungay, UBC) have been awarded a $2,499,946 SSHRC Partnership Grant for their research project Scaling up Trauma and Violence-Informed Outreach with Women Affected by Violence.