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Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Development Grant Awardee!

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Development Grant Awardee!

Co-Applicant Dr. Andrea Webb (EDCP) and her team (Applicant Dr. Charlotte Schallié, University of Victoria) have won a 3 year, $199,754 SSHRC Partnership Development Grant for their research project Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education.

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardees!

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardees!

Co-Applicants Dr. Penney Clark (EDCP), Dr. Lindsay Gibson (EDCP), and Dr. Michael Marker (EDST) and their team (Applicant Dr. Carla Peck, University of Alberta) have been awarded a 7 year, $2,500,000 SSHRC Partnership Grant for their research project Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future.

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardee!

Congratulations SSHRC Partnership Grant Awardee!

Co-Applicant Dr. Eli Puterman (KIN) and his team (Applicant Dr. Victoria Bungay, UBC) have been awarded a $2,499,946 SSHRC Partnership Grant for their research project Scaling up Trauma and Violence-Informed Outreach with Women Affected by Violence.