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UBC Okanagan RSEDIC Seed Grants

Sponsor: Regional Socio-Economic Development Institute of Canada (RSEDIC)

The purpose of the RSEDIC seed grant is to provide funding to support new areas of regional socio-economic research, and to increase the capacity for regional socio-economic inquiry on campus. Activities undertaken through the seed grant can include for example knowledge syntheses, and/or the collection of pilot data on a new topic.

Value: Grants are for up to a maximum of $3,500 over 6 months. No extensions are available.

ORE Deadline: April 18, 9 AM
ORS (Okanagan Campus) Deadline: April 18, 4 PM

The RSEDIC seed grant is open to all full-time tenure-stream faculty in the professorial stream. The applicant shall have, at the time of application for the funding, a term of appointment spanning the period of funding, or a signed commitment for a term of employment spanning the period of funding.