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Competition Announcement: Mackenzie King Competition

Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships Deadline: Monday, 2 February 2014 Amount: $8,500 – $10,500 (subject to change) The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. One Open Scholarship is awarded each year. The value has recently been approximately $8,500 but is subject to […]

2014 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals Competition

Congratulations to Lesley Andres and Victor Glickman on their success in the 2014 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals competition!

Talks Video Competition CIHR’s Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

Congratulations to Lynn Miller and her research team for being awarded a runner up prize of $3000 in the first ever Talks Video Competition held by CIHR’s Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health!

2015 BCCAT Grant

Congratulations to Lesley Andres on being awarded a grant from the British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer!

Free networking events at FINE 2015

Free networking events at FINE 2015

The FINE is organizing a number of free networking events at AERA 2015 in Chicago for graduate students in Education

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Everyone has a role to play in preventing sexual assault. You can help end the violence. Get consent.Consent is a voluntary and enthusiastic “yes!”. It’s needed for every sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. Learn more about consent Have healthy, respectful relationships.Learn more about relationships and respect. Be an active witness.An active witness is […]

17th Annual International Conference on Women and Education

Where: Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England When: March 22 – March 26, 2015 Register by: January 30th Register Direct inquiries We are pleased to invite you to become a member of the Women and Education Round Table. Membership is limited to approximately 35 interdisciplinary scholars who have a particular interest […]

Graduate Pathways to Success sessions:

Natural Resources Canada 2015 Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program (PARDP) Info Session Monday, January 26th, 10:00 – 11:00 AM Where: Graduate Centre Ballroom, 6371 Crescent Rd. Interested in working for the federal government? The Department of Natural Resources is seeking to recruit talented policy analysts through its Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program. This […]

Koerner Library Monthly Workshops

Tips and Tricks for Formatting Your Thesis: Little Things Mean A Lot! Are you worried about getting your thesis/dissertation into the format required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies? Research Commons staff will help you with your questions about the nuts and bolts of formatting: tables of contents, page layout, numbering, headings, front matter, and […]

Positive Space Workshop Availabilities

The Positive Space Campaign is an initiative intended to help make UBC more receptive to and welcoming of its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, trans-identified, two-spirit, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBT*TQIA+) communities, individuals and issues of sexual and gender diversity on campus. It aims to foster a welcoming atmosphere and inclusive, respectful dialogue on campus for people […]