Thank you very much for completing the Faculty of Education Directory Information Form. The Directory on OGPR’s website will soon be updated with your new information. The print version of the Research Directory was most recently published in Fall 2014.
If you already have a profile in the UBC Experts Directory, we will update your keywords based on the information you provided, if you authorized us to do so. We encourage you to visit the UBC Experts Directory to see what other expert profiles look like, and to send us more information to add to your own. Consider adding:
- Links to your research photo gallery (e.g., Flickr, Dropbox)
- Links to relevant video clips
- Links to other media stories about your research
- Social media links
If you do not yet have a profile in the Experts Directory, please visit the UBC Experts Directory.
Thanks again for your help! Also do not hesitate to contact Andrea Webb if you have questions, concerns or comments about the Faculty of Education’s Directory.