Wall Solutions Initiative

Sponsor: The Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies

Sponsor program link: http://pwias.ubc.ca/programs-awardees/solutions-initiative/

Value: Solutions projects may apply for up to $50,000 for one year. Larger budgets may be considered if additional partner contributions are available. Institute staff will work with applicants to identify potential

funding partners. Projects will be funded on a one-year basis but you may include up to 3-year plan. Renewal is based on funding availability.

Objectives: To provide opportunities for University of British Columbia researchers, community organizations and other partners to work collaboratively towards solutions, using innovative research approaches. The Institute welcomes projects with a transformative vision and encourage you to bring the best minds to address the problem.
• To enable researchers to address topics of societal importance based on novel, rigorous and interdisciplinary research.
• To address a variety of issues; e.g. environment health, literacy, social networking, sustainability, health care delivery, poverty alleviation, population health, and any other topics.
• To support active participation and engagement from an end-user or community partner.

Application deadline(s):

  • April 17: Deadline to email OGPR your LOI draft for internal review. Please email your drafts to Robert Olaj, unless your topic is health related, in which case please email your draft to Heather Frost.
  • April 30, 12 Noon: Deadline to submit applications to the OGPR for Faculty signature (KIN applicants please submit to Bob Sparks for signature).
  • May 1: Peter Wall LOI deadline.
  • August 1: Peter Wall full application deadline (through invitation only).

Special notes: Regarding eligibility, Principal investigators must be full-time UBC faculty at the Professorial Rank in grant/tenure track positions (i.e. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor). Other faculty levels who may be independent researchers, adjunct professors, or instructors are not eligible as principal applicants but may be co-investigators.