Scholar Program Competition
Sponsor: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Application deadline(s):
January 28: LOI submitted online by midnight PST
February 19: OGPR Deadline for Faculty-level Signature
February 21: ORS Deadline for institutional review, signature and e-approval.
February 28: MSFHR full application deadline by midnight PST
Special notes: This application requires letters of institutional commitment from the applicant’s Dean of Faculty and Department Head. If you are interested in applying to MSFHR contact Heather Frost in the OGPR for support as soon as possible.
UBC Visiting Scholars Abroad Program
Sponsor: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
Application deadline(s):
March 1, 2014: PWIAS deadline.
Special notes: The application form will be posted on the PWIAS web site in January 2014. The applicant must be a UBC assistant or associate professor, either pre-tenure or tenured within 2 years prior to July 1, 2014.
UBC Hampton Fund Research Grant
Sponsor: UBC’s Hampton Fund
Application Deadline(s):
For Non-KIN Faculty:
February 13: OGPR deadline for substantive proposal review (optional). Email full application to Robert Olaj Proposals submitted after this date will only receive a cursory review, as time permits.
February 27, Noon: OGPR deadline for Faculty-level (Beth Haverkamp’s) signature. Please email your full application to Robert Olaj. The signature page (containing Applicant, Co-Applicant and Department Head signatures) may be delivered in hard copy to Robert or scanned and emailed to him with the rest of the application.
February 28: The Hampton deadline. Robert Olaj will scan all applications submitted to the OGPR and email them to the Hampton Coordinator by 4:00 PM on the 28th.
For KIN Faculty
February 13: OGPR deadline for substantive proposal review (optional). Email full application to Robert Olaj Proposals submitted after this date will only receive a cursory review, as time permits.
February 27, Noon: KIN deadline for the Director’s (Bob Sparks) signature. Please deliver original hard copy of the full application to the KIN main administrative office in the War Memorial Gym by 12 Noon.
February 28: The Hampton deadline. Kathy Manson in the main KIN administrative office will scan all applications submitted to KIN and email them to the Hampton Coordinator by 4:00 PM on the 28th.
Special notes: Please read the eligibility criteria carefully – they are very specific.
Strategic Initiatives
Sponsor: Spencer Foundation (U.S.)
Application deadline(s):
New Civics: February 6 for Small Grants | January 14 for Large Grant preliminary proposals.
Philosophy in Education Policy and Practice: ongoing; no deadlines.
Research Grants – Small and Major
Sponsor: Spencer Foundation (US)
Sponsor program link:
Value: Small grants ($0-40,000): Major grants ($40,001-$500,000). *An overhead rate of 15% will only be paid on grant requests above $50,000.
Objectives: Spencer Foundation supports high-quality investigation of education and aims to strengthen connections among education research, policy and practice. Applications can be made to address one of the following Areas of Inquiry:
Education and Social Opportunities
Organizational Learning
Purposes and Values of Education
Teaching, Learning and Institutional Resources
Field-initiated Proposals
Applications must only identify one Primary Area of Inquiry regardless of whether it covers other areas.
Application deadline(s):
February 6: Small grants.
March 14: Major grants preliminary proposals. Full proposals (by invitation only).
Special notes: The Spencer Foundation is in the process of redesigning the Major Grants program for the coming year. Read more about this change and how it affects the current program
Early Career Scholars Program
Sponsor: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
Application deadline(s): TBA (last year February 1)
Special notes: Applicants wishing to use the funds for course buy-out must complete the Faculty’s Release Time for Research application process prior to applying to the ECS program.
Sport Participation Research Initiative (SPRI)
Sponsor: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Sport Canada
Application deadline(s):
January 28, Noon: OGPR internal signature deadline. Applicants should email Robert Olaj a PDF of their proposal with a completed, signed and scanned ORS Research Project Information Form.
January 29, 4 PM: ORS internal signature deadline.
February 3, 5 PM Pacific Time: SSHRC Insight Development Grant deadline.
Special notes: Applicants must apply to the Insight Development Grant (IDG) competition. Those relevant, fundable applications that did not receive funding through the IDG for budgetary constraints will be funded through the SPRI. SSHRC has developed a new online application portal called the Research Community Portal and the IDGs are the first SSHRC program to use the new system. Applicants must submit an online application, as well as a Canadian Common CV. All Co-Applicants and Collaborators must also submit Canadian Common CVs. Please allow a generous amount of time to complete your and your team member’s CCVs. Note that applicants for the 2014 IDG competition will be ineligible to apply to the 2014 Insight Grant Competition in October, even if applicants are unsuccessful in the IDG competition.
Operating Grant: Winter Priority Announcement
Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Application deadline(s):
January 6: Register for SPARC Internal Review | IR Application Form & 1 Page Summary to Christy McTait.
January 27: Submit well developed draft to Christy McTait at SPARC for Internal Review.
February 3: CIHR registration.
February 20: OGPR for Faculty-level signature.
February 24: ORS Deadline for institutional review, signature and e-submission.
March 3: CIHR national deadline (by 5:00 PM PST).
Special notes: Applications are submitted through the Winter 2014 Open Operating Grant: 2013-2014 funding opportunity (see details above). If you are interested in applying to CIHR please contact Heather Frost in the OGPR for support as soon as possible.
Open Operating Grants Winter 2014
Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Application deadline(s):
January 6: Register for SPARC Internal Review | IR Application Form and 1 Page Summary to Christy McTait.
January 27: Submit well developed draft to Christy McTait at SPARC for Internal Review.
February 3: CIHR registration.
February 20: OGPR for Faculty-level signature.
February 24: ORS Deadline for institutional review, signature and e-submission.
March 3: CIHR national deadline (by 5:00 PM PST).
Special notes: Applications are submitted via the ResearchNet website, and electronically approved by the Office of Research Services prior to submission to the agency. If you are interested in applying to CIHR please contact Heather Frost in the OGPR for support as soon as possible.