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NFRF Transformation 2026 Competition – Launch and Upcoming Webinars

Program Link: Sponsor: New Frontiers in Research Fund Value: Minimum $2,000,000 per year (including indirect costs); Maximum $4,000,000 per year (including indirect costs) for six years Description: The 2026 Transformation stream competition of the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) was launched on February 18th, 2025. All competition information is available on our website, and the […]

NSERC Updates to the 2025/2026 NSERC CREATE Program and Support Letter Deadline

Program Link: Sponsor: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Description: Please be advised of the following updates for the NSERC CREATE competition following the information session last week. A copy of the slide deck is on SPARC’s resources page (CWL required) if you are interested. Regular and International stream applicants The VPRI letter of support is for […]

SSHRC Connection Grants – May

Program Link: Sponsor: Social Science and Humanities Research Council Value: For 1 year Events: $7,000 to $25,000 Outreach activities: $7,000 to $50,000; higher amounts may be considered if well justified Description: These grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage with […]

SSHRC Important updates on the Vanier CGS and Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Programs

Program Link: Sponsor: Social Science and Humanities Research Council Description: In alignment with the Tri-Agency Research Training Strategy and as announced in Budget 2024, the three federal granting agencies, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering and Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) are working […]

CIHR Multifactor Authentication is Coming to the Canadian Common CV

Program Link: Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Social Science and Humanities Research Council Description: To improve the security of our systems and protect the privacy of users, the granting councils will be implementing multifactor authentication in the Canadian Common CV (CCV) in March 2025. Multifactor authentication uses two methods to verify the identity […]

UBC Wall Research Awards and Wall Fellowships

Program Link: Sponsor: UBC Wall Legacy Awards Value: varies – please see specific program details. Description: UBC launches 2025 Wall Fellowships and Wall Research Awards competitions The 2025 competitions for UBC’s Wall Fellowships and Wall Research Awards are now open. These awards initially focus on research and scholarly activities relating to three areas of interest: Sustainable approaches to […]

UBC-V Salary Research Grant

Program Link: Sponsor: Canada Revenue Agency and VP Research and Innovation Value: Varies Description: This program permits scholars, for periods other than study leave, to receive a research grant in lieu of salary under certain conditions established by the Canada Revenue Agency. Not that this is not a typical grant; funds are not accessible through a research account. […]

UBC-O Salary Research Grant

Program Link: Sponsor: Canada Revenue Agency and VP Research and Innovation Value: Varies Description: This program permits scholars, for periods other than study leave, to receive a research grant in lieu of salary under certain conditions established by the Canada Revenue Agency. Not that this is not a typical grant; funds are not accessible through a research account. […]