Spencer Racial Equity Research Grants

Program Link: https://www.spencer.org/grant_types/racial-equity-special-research-grants

Sponsor: The Spencer Foundation

Value: They will be accepting applications for projects ranging from one to five years with budgets up to $75,000

Description: The Racial Equity Research Grants program supports education research projects that will contribute to understanding and ameliorating racial inequality in education. They are interested in funding studies that aim to understand and disrupt the reproduction and deepening of inequality in education, and which seek to (re)imagine and make new forms of equitable education. Thus, they are interested in research projects that seek to envision educational opportunities in a multiplicity of education systems, levels, settings, and developmental ranges and that reach beyond documenting conditions and paradigms that contribute to persistent racial inequalities.

The goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious, and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in relation to racial equity in education. In this cycle of funding, they will continue to fund scholarship focused on a range of communities and issues with respect to equity.

They encourage proposals from across the methodological spectrum, including qualitative methods, mixed-methods, and quantitative methods. They want to especially encourage Racial Equity proposals that focus on the following areas: (1) innovative forms of measurement and assessment, (2) artificial intelligence (AI), and (3) current political challenges in k-12 and higher education around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

As with other Spencer grant programs, this program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not required to be developed around a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or geographic location.

May 29, 2024, 12:00 PM Noon (Central/Chicago Time)

10:00 AM Wednesday, June 19, 2024

ORE internal signature deadline for RPIFs. Applicants please email Nandini Maharaj your signed (applicant and department head) RPIF + a pdf of your application. OSE applicants please contact UBC-O's Office of Research Services for internal deadlines

8:30 AM Thursday, June 20, 2024

Please email signed (applicant, department head, and ADR) RPIF along with a pdf of your application to ORS (ors@ors.ubc.ca). You may continue to work on the narrative sections of the application until the deadline to hit "Submit" online. However, please note that budget totals must not be changed from the submitted RPIF.

June 27, 2024, 12:00 PM Noon (Central/Chicago Time)

Contact: If you have any questions, contact Maricelle Garcia at racial-equity@spencer.org