Congratulations to 2019 Faculty of Education International Research Visiting Fellowship Recipients

Congratulations to the 2019 Faculty of Education International Research Visiting Fellowship Recipients and their Nominees:

Dr. Robinder Bedi (ECPS) who will host Dr. Bruce E. Wampold, Research Institute Director, Modum Bad Psychiatric Center, Vikersund, Norway and Professor Emeritus of Counselling Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.

Dr. Guy Faulkner (KIN) who will host  Dr. Nanette Mutrie, Professor of Physical Activity for Health, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Sharon Stein (EDST) who will host Dr. Michalinos Zembylas, Professor of Education, Open University of Cyprus, Latsia, Cyprus

Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin (EDCP) who will host Dr. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin, Senior Lecturer, Ruppin Academic College, Hadera, Israel

While at UBC, the four visiting fellows will engage in high quality collaborative and innovative research with faculty and graduate student researchers in the Faculty of Education.  The International Research Visiting Fellowship (IRVF) program is designed to act as a catalyst for subsequent collaborative research with UBC researchers beyond the time of their visits to UBC.