CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant

Sponsor: CIHR
Sponsor Program Link: CIHR Spring 2018 Project Grant

The CIHR Project Grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential for important advances in fundamental or applied health-related knowledge, the health care system, and/or health outcomes, by supporting projects with a specific purpose and a defined endpoint. The best ideas may stem from new, incremental, innovative, and/or high-risk lines of inquiry or knowledge translation approaches.

Research Areas
The Project Grant program is open to applicants in all areas of health research that are aligned with the CIHR mandate: “To excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products, and a strengthened Canadian health care system”. The onus is on the applicant to clearly demonstrate the alignment of the application with CIHR’s mandate.

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, February 6, 2018
CIHR Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 6, 2018

If you are interested in applying, please contact Heather Frost at to learn more about available supports and grant review.