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SSHRC Insight Grants: Humanities Perspectives

The Faculties of Education and Arts are pleased to co-host a panel discussion on crafting a compelling humanities-oriented SSHRC Insight Grant proposal on Wednesday, June 14.

Faculty Research Space Guidelines

Faculty Research Space Guidelines

The Faculty of Education’s ‘Central’ Research Space Allocation Guidelines outline guiding principles for the allocation and management of all ‘central’ research spaces.

Mitacs Elevate

Sponsor: Mitacs

Mitacs Elevate trains emerging research management leaders through an exclusive professional skills curriculum. Fellows gain theoretical and experiential training in areas such as project management and presentations.

Postdoctoral fellows will receive $55,000 annual award (plus $7,500 per year non-cash value in training).
Elevate supervising professors will also get access to competitive funding, including up to $5,000 in research expenses.

ORE Deadline: June 28, 2017 (9 AM)
Sponsor Deadline: July 5, 2017 (1 PM)