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Call for Proposals: Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies

The Editors of the Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS) invite submissions for an upcoming Special Issue on the topic of Curriculum Theory and Teacher Education. This Call targets research that explicitly uses curriculum theories and curricular modes of inquiry to conceptualize, analyze, or provoke teacher education programs, courses of study, and […]

Scholarships for MA & PhD programs in Educational Leadership and Policy (Comparative Education)

The Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University continues to offer International MA & PhD programs in Educational Leadership and Policy (Comparative Education) for international students, in collaboration with the Institute of International Education, Stockholm University. Master Program The Master Program is a 2-year program, modeled on the core-course system of the Institute of International Education, […]

Call for Papers: LLED Graduate Student Conference 2015

Living Methods: Research in Language and Literacy When & Where: Saturday, May 16, 2015, Ponderosa Annex E Papers submitted for the conference are due March 1, 2015. Plenary Sessions with Dr. Suzanne Hilgendorf and Dr. Amy Metcalf. For more information, to submit your paper or to register, visit:

GFSE Small Project Funding

The GSFE Small Project Funding supports student-led, creative, and inter-departmental initiatives that can promote student engagement at critically understanding and advancing the concerns and issues experienced by graduate students of the Faculty of Education. The next deadline to apply for GSFE Small Project Funding is February 28th, 2015. Up to $300 is available to one successful […]